one man's dream
A Proposal by Jim Rucquoi
January 1, 2001
as presented at the Sixteenth Annual National Trails Symposium, Orlando, 11/11 - 11/13/02
fully revised & updated August 2003
Think of it! A paved, off-road, through-access trail for all non-motorized traffic, including cyclists, roller-bladers, and strollers, connecting greater Orlando to nearby New Smyrna Beach!
That’s the dream. And it’s alot
closer than you might think: an on-road route is already in place that’s mostly safe & serviceable over its entire length, making much of that dream a reality today for area cyclists.
In five sections totaling just over 42 miles Bike To Beach . . .
- follows the safest shortest practicable cycling path . . .
- to the nearest desirable Atlantic coast . . .
- from Orlando’s northern suburbs . . .
- within an easy day’s outing one-way . . .
- with plenty of time for that earned dip in the ocean
The longest leg and the route’s backbone is State Road 415 running NE out of Sanford largely through open country and protected wilderness areas. The two principal feeders are . . .
- At the northern end: State Road 44 running east into New Smyrna Beach.